Street Art Pieces by Banksy in Gaza 
mercoled, 4 marzo, 2015, 10:57 - Street art

ts been a while since Banksy had not manifested. At each of its artistic appearances, he provokes. Check out his recent works created in Gaza in Palestine. Banksy in 2015 presses where it hurts.

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Social Media Culture Meets Street Art 
venerd, 13 febbraio, 2015, 12:46 - Street art

iHeart a street artist based in Vancouver, has created a series of street composition in which each image examines our relationship with our contemporary culture, social media and its connection to a generation of children.
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Street Art by Charles Leval 
gioved, 15 gennaio, 2015, 22:05 - Street art

The French street artist based in Paris Charles Leval makes beautiful drawings in black and white that he subtly integrates with urban structures he uses as essential elements of his works, a support freely available.
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Street Art in Istanbul 
sabato, 15 novembre, 2014, 12:51 - Street art
During a trip in Istanbul in Turkey, Pejac has combined his talents of street artist with the country oriental influences to paint moucharabiehs and mise en abyme of locks on the walls. The very fine and realistic outcome creates a real illusion.

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Street art of Sao Paulo 
luned, 25 novembre, 2013, 11:13 - Street art

In 2011, graffiti artists were painting these pillars at the tube station in Santana when police arrived and arrested them. These works are by Chivitz and Binho Ribeiro, who were among the artists arrested.
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