Acupuncture business cards 
luned, 7 ottobre, 2013, 10:07 - Guerrilla marketing

I love very clever business cards and these ones for Acupuncturist Steve Li certainly made us smile. He recycled old business cards and laser perforated his details in them. Folks who get these cards are likely to share them with friends, but likely will hold on to them. So there is a card that continuously does guerrilla marketing for the business owner. Smart idea and bonus for the added recycling touch.
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Occhio alle bucce di bananagiganti 
domenica, 22 settembre, 2013, 23:24 - Guerrilla marketing

La promozione degli occhiali con lenti progressive Rodenstock passata attraverso unattivit di ambient marketing in vecchio stile. In una citt tedesca il brand si affidato allartista Stefan von Essen, che ha riprodotto delle bucce di banana giganti posizionandole sui marciapiedi delle strade.
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Quer sair da casa da sogra?  
domenica, 8 settembre, 2013, 09:20 - Guerrilla marketing
Ao da Porto Seguro coloca sogra viva em outdoor para interagir com os motoristas

Para dar incio a sua campanha de consrcio imobilirio, a Porto Seguro colocou uma pessoa em um outdoor. Com o slogan Quer sair da casa da sogra?, a ao comeou em 1 de setembro e vai at o dia 15, em Curitiba. O outdoor est instala no cruzamento da Avenida Sete de Setembro com a Rua Bento Viana. A atriz, vestida de velhinha, interage com os motoristas que esto parados no trnsito em trs horrios diferentes: das 7h s 9h, das 11h 30 s 13h 30 e das 17h s 19h. A criao da Agncia Giz.
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Pepsi Max launches latest Live for Now campaign with Dynamo stunt 
gioved, 27 giugno, 2013, 17:36 - Guerrilla marketing
Pepsi Max has launched the latest iteration of its 'Live for Now' campaign with Bradford-born TV magician Dynamo seemingly levitating alongside a London bus on a journey through the capital.

Dynamo, whose 'Magician Impossible' TV series is sponsored by Pepsi Max, will front the new campaign under the 'Live for Now' brand positioning that was first launched in the UK in 2012.

The campaign will include an on-pack promotion on cans and bottles of Pepsi Max during July and August, giving consumers the chance to win hundreds of prizes, including a new car, and to unlock exclusive never-seen-before tricks from Dynamo, using the augmented reality app Blippar.

For the launch event, Dynamo hung from the side of a number 543 double-decker bus on its journey along Millbank, past the Houses of Parliament and across Westminster Bridge, while hundreds of passers by watched in amazement.

The side of the bus carried a Pepsi Max ad with the hashtag #livefornow.

Sebastian Micozzi, Pepsi UK marketing director, said: "For us, this stunt was a fantastic way to launch the partnership with Dynamo for Pepsi Max.

"There are lots of synergies between Dynamo and Pepsi MAX and this passion for living for the now and making every day exhilarating is precisely why we are working with him."

As part of its sponsorship of the third series of 'Magician Impossible' on Watch, Pepsi Max has given fans the opportunity to watch the first episode online on 4 July, a week before the show's TV debut on 11 July.

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Give me high five! 
gioved, 6 giugno, 2013, 06:20 - Guerrilla marketing

Maratona ad Amburgo, tra i corridori c qualcuno che indossa un guanto a cui attaccato un timbro in prossimit del palmo della mano.

Tutti gli spettatori presenti, abituati come in questo tipo di manifestazioni a "dare il cinque" agli atleti, si sono ritrovati la mano timbrata con una scritta: Questo esattamente il modo in cui i germi si diffondono.

A promuovere liniziativa lAntiseptica, una societ tedesca che vende disinfettanti per le mani.
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