Fedex: USA-Brazil 
venerd, 11 ottobre, 2013, 10:33 - Generale

This is another ad that shows what simplicity can do for your companys message. A simple image with an extremely bright idea gives the consumer all they need to figure out what you are selling.
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King Oscar: Open 
gioved, 10 ottobre, 2013, 12:00 - Generale

This ad puts forth an idea that King Oscars fish products are as fresh as they can possibly get. This idea is then executed by blending a fish and one of their canned products showing the consumer they will be buying a fish straight from the ocean. This simplistic image gives off just enough to tell the consumer what the deal is with their product.
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Harley Davidson traz linha de produtos financeiros ao Brasil 
mercoled, 9 ottobre, 2013, 18:00 - Generale
No, voc no leu errado: a fabricante de motos no banco, mas financia veculos e oferece seguro e garantia estendida

So Paulo - Foi-se o tempo em que o negcio da Harley Davidson era s motos e jaquetas de couro. Expositora do Salo 2 Rodas, a companhia americana anunciou que o Brasil o primeiro pas alm dos EUA a contar com todos os produtos financeiros da empresa - aps o incio das vendas de garantia estendida no pas.

O servio oferecido pela Harley Davidson Financial Services (HDFS), brao financeiro da fabricante de motos. "Trouxemos essa novidade ao Brasil por meio de uma parceria com o Bradesco", afirmou Longino Morawski, presidente da Harley-Davidson do Brasil. Alm das garantias, a HDFS vende seguros e financia veculos da marca. "Hoje, cerca de 50% de nossas vendas so financiadas", revela Morawski.

A Harley-Davidson pode se orgulhar de ser a nica montadora de motos abenoada pelo papa. Com mais de 110 anos de histria, a marca sinnimo de atitude e qualidade o que no impediu a realizao de recalls no ano passado.

A companhia americana fechou o primeiro semestre com bons nmeros. De janeiro a junho, o lucro obtido pela empresa foi de cerca de 500 milhes de dlares.

O Salo 2 Rodas acontece de 8 a 10 de outubro no Anhembi, em So Paulo.
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Heineken: The Negotiation 
marted, 8 ottobre, 2013, 12:04 - Generale

Last but not the least, Heineken extended their crazy attempts to target football fanatics through a nice guerrilla campaign. They secretly gave men a chance to watch the Champions League final, only on one condition: they had to convince their female counter parts to buy a pair of ordinary looking stadium seats at a ridiculously high price.

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Puma Starts Inking Customers for Mothers Day Promotion 
domenica, 6 ottobre, 2013, 12:07 - Generale

Puma partnered with Manga agency in Brazil to bring you this very permanent campaign. The team wanted to make the Mothers day of last one something that no one would ever forget.

The challenge was to get shoppers attention to Puma stores during Mothers day, the second best sales period in Brazil. In this special promotion, if a son bought over $250 on Puma products, they then have the chance to get inked on the spot. If they didnt want to do it then, they were given a voucher to get a tattoo later.

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