Push to add drama 2 
domenica, 27 gennaio, 2013, 19:01 - Generale

A few months ago, TNT, a TV channel, put a red button on a famous place in Belgium with the message "Push to add drama". Each time someone pushed the button, a surprising scenery started. Check it out here if you don't remember. Well, TNT is back, in the Netherlands this time, and adds a daily dose of drama to people's life. This time, passers-by are immersed in an epic incident on an ice-cold day. Really well put together!

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Techno-Ple e-Motion 
mercoled, 9 gennaio, 2013, 18:17 - Generale

Just wanted to share this stop-motion video with you that was created by MTZ Production for Techno-Pole in Sierre, Switzerland.

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First Facebook poke campaign 
luned, 7 gennaio, 2013, 20:37 - Generale

We're back after a two weeks holiday! It is time for us to wish you a happy new year :-)

As you may know, Facebook recently launched Poke on mobile, an app that lets you share short, self-destructing messages with your Facebook friends.

To promote its one time sale on tights, Delta created a 10 seconds sexy video, featuring a model, that was sent to the model's fans. At the end of the video, fans could get privileged discounts.

Let's be creative! :-)

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Business Intelligence + Social Web = Social Intelligence 
venerd, 4 gennaio, 2013, 12:40 - Social networks

Come la business intelligence da un decennio uno dei settori a pi alta innovazione del software, anche la Social Intelligence che si potrebbe definire la Business Intelligence applicata al Social Web - destinata a riservarci grandi sorprese.
Tuttavia, come evidenziato da Harvard Business Review Italia nellarticolo Il potenziale non sfruttato della Social Analytics:
Siamo terzi al mondo nellutilizzo dei social network, ma quasi ultimi tra i Paesi progrediti nel saperli sfruttare (esattamente come accade con i telefonini). Eppure il potenziale enorme. Ad esempio la social analytics si sta affacciando da noi solo ora. Il fatto che in Italia non stiamo partecipando a questa ondata, un grave handicap socioeconomico.
I brand necessitano di tecnologie abilitanti e competenze specialistiche per sfruttare tutte le potenzialit di questa trasformazione epocale.
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Tic Tac Likes Matt 
gioved, 3 gennaio, 2013, 15:24 - E-buzzing

What a great way to say thank you to your Facebook fans! Tic Tac France published this video where the CEO himself thanks the 1 million fan, Matt, and tells him this: "If you like us, Matt, we'll like you back". In the video, we can see that the whole company is totally obsessed with Matt, displaying his picture everywhere, buying promotional products after his image or doing the things he likes. The clip is hilarious and worth watch (even though it's in French).

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