Guarana Antarctica: Net 
martedì, 25 febbraio, 2014, 11:37 - Generale
Actual size goal posts were placed in bus shelters around Sao Paulo for the Soccer World Cup.

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J&B Limited Tattoo Edition 
lunedì, 24 febbraio, 2014, 11:46 - Generale
Scotch J & B was born in London during the second half of the nineteenth and this is the same period that the tattoo has begun to spread in London. To celebrate its origins, J & B decided to tattoo 25 bottles per studio Sphinx in Paris. Result: 25 bottles with unique designs.

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Animal Instincts: preservativi per cani e gatti 
domenica, 23 febbraio, 2014, 15:19 - Generale
SF SPCA è un’organizzazione no-profit che si occupa della cura degli animali, con particolare attenzioni rivolte a cani e gatti. Per dare visibilità alla loro missione è nato "Animal Instincts" un sito fake che mira ad incuriosire l’utente per poi direzionarlo sul sito dell’organizzazione.

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The Marketing of Boxing: where did it go wrong? 
sabato, 22 febbraio, 2014, 17:40 - Generale

The marketing of boxing appears to be lacking when compared to other major sports. All of boxing’s eggs seem to be in the pay-per-view basket. That is, boxing only manages to generate buzz with the casual fan when a major event is scheduled.

Boxing can no longer rely on major television networks as a source for a substantial fan base. People have far too many options to choose from. However, professional football, tennis, and basketball remain very visible to the masses. Boxing has become almost invisible. There was a time when it was as prevalent as the aforementioned. What hindered the organizations and promoters from keeping pace? Was it the inception of multiple organizations? Many will argue that point as it showcases the question of who is the "real" champ in any division. Was it the violence that was so visible with the expansion of major media? The argument against this can be seen in every MMA event, but the death of fighters like Deuk Koo Kim did not help.

The answer may never be known. It may be that boxing never changed its target audience. Boxing always catered to the upper echelon of society. The mediums changed giving the non-celebrities something else to watch. The difference then was that the casual fan followed out of necessity. Now the fascination of watching celebrity is minimal, especially with the emphasis placed on “reality” television. Why follow someone famous when you can follow someone just like you? Die-hard fans still remain watching every chance they get, but it seems they are only accompanied by those who can afford to attend the event in person.
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Hunting Trophies 
venerdì, 21 febbraio, 2014, 13:59 - Generale

Living in Vienna, Austria, Andreas Schweiger created Upcycle Fetish to use various parts of old bikes to decorate a room by providing those it as if they were trophies. Amazing objects with an attractive appearance, which can also serve as hangers or even bicycle rack.
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