Air France Campaign 
domenica, 30 marzo, 2014, 14:20 - Generale
BETC agency and Argentinian photographers Sofia & Mauro have collaborated together to create the new AIR France campaign which takes Air France, France is in the air as a new slogan. The posters look like fashion photos and are attached to smart and funny sentences.

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Portraits of Kids Submerged Underwater 
sabato, 29 marzo, 2014, 01:26 - Generale
With the help of some very creative children, Alix Martinez has drawn portraits of children, not on land, but submerged under water. The artist comes up with fun and imagination to recreate scenes sports like golf, football and tennis.

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Festka Bike by Tomski & Polanski 
venerd, 28 marzo, 2014, 07:59 - Generale
At the North American Handmade Bicycle Show in Charlotte, USA, the Czech brand Festka unveiled its Urban Bike Zero customized for the occasion by the illustrators Tomski & Polanski. A model that combines fantasy, elegance and performance at a price of $ 8,900.

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A propaganda mexicana que chocou o mundo 
gioved, 27 marzo, 2014, 14:09 - Generale
O objetivo do vdeo era mostrar os dias normais de pessoas adultas com crianas no lugar vivendo no mundo do crime, egosmo, intrigas e conflitos A ideia deu to certo que o vdeo viralizou por toda web. Adultos do mundo inteiro pararam para assistir e refletir.

O vdeo acaba com a frase: Se este o futuro que me espera, no quero. Confira:

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Blue Wave House in Australia 
mercoled, 26 marzo, 2014, 14:28 - Generale
Belgian architect F2 Architecture has built the house The Pole House, up in the air, on the Great Ocean Road in Australia. Above the road, we can admire the coast and the Australian sea from the balcony or the bay windows. A pleasant and idyllic architecture.

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