Os vencedores ganham tambm uma camisa oficial da seleo 
venerd, 11 aprile, 2014, 14:01 - Generale
Entre os dias 8 e 7 de maio So Paulo vai receber a segunda edio da Call Parade, desta vez com a temtica pinte seu orelho com as cores da nossa Seleo.

A ideia dar um toque verde-amarelo paisagem urbana da cidade, com interveno artstica em 40 cpulas de orelhes. A Call Parade promove a contato entre as manifestaes artsticas, seus realizadores e a populao por meio de uma exposio coletiva de orelhes, modificados por artistas 25 artistas convidados e 15 selecionados por uma comisso julgadora.

Sero instalados 30 orelhes na Avenida Paulista e 10 em diferentes locais selecionados pela organizao do evento e pela Prefeitura de So Paulo.

As inscries esto abertas. Para participar basta fazer a inscrio no site at o dia 13 de abril. Os escolhidos ganham tambm uma camisa oficial da Seleo Brasileira.

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Streetwear Brands in LEGO 
gioved, 10 aprile, 2014, 14:50 - Generale
After the iconic music bands in LEGO, Adly Syairi Ramly comes back with his LEGO figurines he dresses with streetwear brands such as Supreme, APC, Opening Ceremony and also Maison Kitsun.

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Symmetric Light Painting in Tokyo 
mercoled, 9 aprile, 2014, 15:04 - Generale
Japanese photographer Sinichi Higashi (also known as Sinkdd) did the series Graffiti of Speed / Mirror Symmetry in which he captures the city of Tokyo by combining symmetry and long exposure.

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Wild Animals Stuck in Subway 
marted, 8 aprile, 2014, 11:02 - Generale
With Animtro, the photographer Clarisse Rebotier, in collaboration with Thomas Subtil, stages wild animals enjoying the joys of the Parisian subway. A giraffe enjoys the aerial subway, an ostrich talks with the driver, a lion passes without any ticket, does wait at Porte St-Ouen and an elephant takes the line 5 with its bird on its back.

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luned, 7 aprile, 2014, 14:28 - Generale
Parents can forgive anything in the name of creativity, right?

It's a classic recipe for a successful print advertising campaign - a double-edged phrase and a series of quirky images that bring the alternative meaning to life. This campaign for Lego by French agency Grey Paris plays on the slogan 'Creativity forgives everything' with a series of scenes of young scamps misbehaving

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