Scrabble Words Turned into Surrealist Prints 
venerd, 5 settembre, 2014, 12:55 - Generale
For the campaign of the famous scrabble game, the Ukrainian Twiga agency illustrated double meaning words by surrealist prints.

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Window Silhouettes Illusions 
gioved, 4 settembre, 2014, 13:05 - Generale
As we recently talked about his outdoor creations, here is this time by a series of artist Pejac made indoors, offering a simple brush with the inclusion of beautiful silhouettes on windows. Simple designs, beautifully made.

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Erotic Film Festival Posters 
mercoled, 3 settembre, 2014, 17:17 - Generale
Lowe Vasovie agency conducted with illustrator Bart Bialy a series of posters to highlight the Kino Praha Erotic Film Festival that took place last May. Funny diversions of great references to the seventh art, such as Star Wars or Titanic, playing humorously on the positions of figures to give them a whole new meaning.

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Cocktails Design Posters 
marted, 2 settembre, 2014, 20:04 - Generale
After his excellent series of posters Iconic World Cup, designer Nick Barclay invites us to discover with its ten minimalist geometric style the most famous cocktails in the world. Rendering simple and successful showing the doses required to make each of these mixtures.

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BUS Stop in Baltimore 
luned, 1 settembre, 2014, 13:54 - Generale
An artist collective, with members Alberto Alarcn, Emilio Alarcn, Ciro Mrquez & Eva Salmern recently installed a sculpture and conceptual public work in Baltimore, also serving as a bus stop. A logical use, as the piece itself shows the 3 letters on a large scale, to sit while waiting for the arrival of the bus.

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