Dreamlike Self Portraits 
luned, 8 settembre, 2014, 17:47 - Generale
Winner of the Sony World Photography Awards 2014, Dutch photographer Kylli Sparre makes very beautiful dreamlike and fairy self-portraits where she stages herself in majestic positions in the middle of nature. Her work will be exhibited on September at Qlickeditions gallery located in Amsterdam.

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Gigantic Flowers Carpet in Brussels 
domenica, 7 settembre, 2014, 11:54 - Generale
Every two years in August, the central square of Brussels is carpeted by a gigantic begonias carpet in honor of all turkish immigrants. Graphics and colors of this huge art work are directly inspired by the design of turkish Kilim. A beautiful tradition initiated in the 70′s by the horticulturist E. Stautemans.

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Anders Gjennestad Shadow Optical Illusion 
sabato, 6 settembre, 2014, 12:26 - Generale
Norvegian artist Anders Gjennestad is specialized in creating murals with stencils recently conducted under the Urbane Memory Street Art Festival in Italy with this stunning creation, playing with our perception.

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Scrabble Words Turned into Surrealist Prints 
venerd, 5 settembre, 2014, 12:55 - Generale
For the campaign of the famous scrabble game, the Ukrainian Twiga agency illustrated double meaning words by surrealist prints.

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Window Silhouettes Illusions 
gioved, 4 settembre, 2014, 13:05 - Generale
As we recently talked about his outdoor creations, here is this time by a series of artist Pejac made indoors, offering a simple brush with the inclusion of beautiful silhouettes on windows. Simple designs, beautifully made.

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