Stop smoking!!! 
marted, 22 ottobre, 2013, 10:05 - Guerrilla marketing

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luned, 21 ottobre, 2013, 11:28 - Generale

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Bangalore Traffic Police: Dont Talk While She Drives 
domenica, 20 ottobre, 2013, 10:30 - Generale

This ad gets a strong message across in a graphic way. The blood spatter draws the viewer in and shows them that it is coming from the telephone, leading them to picture something gruesome happening to whoever the man is talking to. And then the quote puts it all together that you shouldnt be on the phone while driving.
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Ford Germany: Do Knot Forget 
sabato, 19 ottobre, 2013, 10:30 - Generale

Obviously Ford wants you to see that wires are bad, showing us 15 different types of wired knots and then ending with an amusing quote on the bottom of the ad Do knot forget: Bluetooth comes with every new Ford Model. This is a very smart approach, showing the consumer a common problem that they might have experienced and then giving them a solution in a very amusing way.
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Celcom Broadband: Coverage 
venerd, 18 ottobre, 2013, 10:27 - Generale

Our next ad puts a very clever twist on a product. We all instantly recognize the Wi-Fi symbol but then notice it is built from famous monuments across the world, once we look further down we notice the product which is giving us Wifi. Once again it is something that says a lot without having to clutter up a whole canvas with different designs.
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