Stop smoking!!! 
marted, 22 ottobre, 2013, 10:05 - Guerrilla marketing

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Red Bull - Guerrilla Marketing Campaign 
domenica, 13 ottobre, 2013, 11:00 - Guerrilla marketing

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1945 bicycle manufacturing 
sabato, 12 ottobre, 2013, 10:02 - Guerrilla marketing

Titled simply "How a Bicycle is Made," this film from 1945 shows the manufacturing process of Raleigh bicycles in the UK. It is amazing to see how big Raleigh was then and it is a nice example of guerrilla marketing then.

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Acupuncture business cards 
luned, 7 ottobre, 2013, 10:07 - Guerrilla marketing

I love very clever business cards and these ones for Acupuncturist Steve Li certainly made us smile. He recycled old business cards and laser perforated his details in them. Folks who get these cards are likely to share them with friends, but likely will hold on to them. So there is a card that continuously does guerrilla marketing for the business owner. Smart idea and bonus for the added recycling touch.
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Occhio alle bucce di bananagiganti 
domenica, 22 settembre, 2013, 23:24 - Guerrilla marketing

La promozione degli occhiali con lenti progressive Rodenstock passata attraverso unattivit di ambient marketing in vecchio stile. In una citt tedesca il brand si affidato allartista Stefan von Essen, che ha riprodotto delle bucce di banana giganti posizionandole sui marciapiedi delle strade.
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