Durex Water Bomb 
venerd, 23 novembre, 2012, 13:19 - Generale

Charlotte Rabate imagined and created this speculative ad for Durex. The film is dynamic and fits perfectly to the brand identity and advertising strategy. Check it out and don't be scared to get wet.
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Africa for Norway 
gioved, 22 novembre, 2012, 17:38 - Generale

Norwegian charities decided to get together to break down clichs about Africa giving a new twist to traditional fundraising methods. They created a website, Radi-Aid, where Africans could donate their old radiators to Norway to help people overcome the cold weather. The whole concept is, of course, ironic and aimed at changing the image of Africa.
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Wonderbra Decoder 
mercoled, 21 novembre, 2012, 13:21 - Generale

Wonderbra launched a great campaign including mobile, print and YouTube. The user was invited to download an app, the Wonderbra Decoder, via a QR code on prints to discover the undies of supermodel Adriana Cernanova. With the app, you could either scan the print ad or scan the sound of the YouTube video to see Adriana's secrets.

The campaign is really well put together and all the elements are perfectly coordinated. Download the app on your phone (Wonderbra Decoder) and scan the picture above or the video below. It's worth it :-)

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Creature Greeder 
marted, 20 novembre, 2012, 15:52 - Generale

Awesome idea by the agency Creature of London and great example of poly-sensoriality! All visitors of the agency are invited to create their avatar by shaking an iPad and indicate the reason of their visit. To bring the avatar to life, they simply have to blow on the tablet. The curious animal then flies away and appears on the screens in the room. The visitor finally receives a ticket with various pieces of information, including a voucher for a honeypot.
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Lo sport unopera darte 
luned, 19 novembre, 2012, 13:42 - Guerrilla marketing

In occasione dellapertura di un nuovo punto vendita nella citt di Firenze, Intersport ha deciso di coniugare la sua passione per lo sport con il cuore della citt, larte.

Alcune statue viventi vestite da sportivi hanno infatti "percorso" le vie principali del centro cittadino celebrando lo sport come opera darte. Calciatori, cestisti, corridori e rugbisti hanno cos dato vita ad una mostra itinerante che ha sorpreso e coinvolto il pubblico passante.
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