lunedì, 18 novembre, 2013, 10:17 - Street art

Alexandre Farto, a.k.a. Vhils, is a street artist hailing from Portugal. He has become renowned for his murals, which he traditionally creates using stencils, chisels and drills - cutting either directly into walls or removing layers of advertising posters.

To make the murals, Vhils marks the drawing on the wall and then carves the surface layer, which is usually plaster. He tried to have a fixed element (the stencil which is applied to the poster, metal, the wall which is chiselled away), but also includes variable elements such as the nature of the materials which change and dictate the final form of the piece.
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Miina Akkijyrkka 
domenica, 17 novembre, 2013, 11:37 - Street art

Finnish sculptor Miina Akkijyrkka has a thing for cows. She scours her native country for used vehicles and turns them into these huge animal sculptures. The artist has been working her magic for an impressive 50 years.
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sabato, 16 novembre, 2013, 13:34 - Street art

Frenchman Invader has been invading cities across the world with his perfect pixelated artwork for years now. He always completes his artwork behind a mask, so as to not give away his identity. This project, entitled 'Space Invaders', aims to invade cities all over the world with characters inspired by first-generation arcade games.

The characters are made out of tiles, which means Invader can cement them to walls (although some pieces continue to be stolen). He has even set up a scoring system for himself, with each character rating between 10 and 50, depending on its size.
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Kelly Goeller 
venerdì, 15 novembre, 2013, 13:51 - Street art

In the past, Kelly Goeller was part of New York-based animation studio KNeeon, which produces original content for advertising, television, music videos and film. Pixel art has come a long way in the past few years and Kelly took this as her opportunity to create this awesome piece entitled 'Pixel Pour 2.0'.

The piece is located on Mercer Street in New York with many members of the public faced with the awesome piece of art work as they walk to work. Kelly's last 'pour' was seen in 2008 and can be seen on the Gothamist website.
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Mettici una Smart, un’app e degli slogan accattivanti 
giovedì, 14 novembre, 2013, 12:15 - Generale

Lanciato appena due mesi fa a Milano, car2go ha rivoluzionato il modo di noleggiare la macchina. Il meccanismo è semplice: dopo l’iscrizione (gratuita per i primi mesi) basta scaricare l’app sullo smartphone o sul tablet e, alla prima occasione utile, sapremo esattamente dove trovare la nostra macchina.
Il mercato milanese non è semplice da gestire, le parole chiave devono essere comodità e praticità. E car2go risponde ad entrambe le richieste. La macchina la trovi consultando comodamente il tuo smartphone, aprendo l’app e segnalando la tua posizione in quel momento. Una volta localizzata la macchina (le indicazioni danno anche le condizioni di pulizia esterne e interne della macchina e la quantità di benzina disponibile), la si può prenotare gratuitamente per mezz’ora.
E poi c’è la questione della praticità, risolta in maniera ancora più immediata. Non bisogna dannarsi l’anima a cercare parcheggio, escluse le zone chiaramente in divieto di sosta (ma molto appetibili per il guidatore medio italiano), la nostra macchina a noleggio si può lasciare dove si vuole.
Il marketing ha poi fatto il resto: qualche slogan accattivante e “di moda” e il gioco è fatto.
Nessuno si stupisca se capitasse di incontrare una smart car2go con dentro una coppia intenta a scambiarsi effusioni, sempre alla modica cifra di 0,29 cent al minuto.
Sono i tempi che corrono, non resta che prenderne atto!
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