H A P P Y Apocalypse 
mercoled, 26 dicembre, 2012, 10:33 - Generale

Diesel wishes us a happy apocalypse and invites us to have fun (hum sex).

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Snowkhana one 
mercoled, 19 dicembre, 2012, 15:27 - Generale

Ford Fiesta celebrates the holiday season with this cool stop motion video.

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Delite o Matic 
luned, 17 dicembre, 2012, 12:21 - Generale

Do you remember this stunt for Fantastic Delites a few months ago? Well, the brand is back with another crazy machine, testing how far people are ready to go for free cheese and onion Fantastic Delites. Entrants had to wear a mouse costume and run on a giant running wheel to hope getting Delites. Would you do that?

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His, Hers 
domenica, 16 dicembre, 2012, 12:59 - Viral marketing

Super creative commercials for World Aids Day. The pictures in the videos correspond to words commonly used to refer to sexual organs. The message is straightforward without revealing everything. What do you think?
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Publicis' digital wishes for 2013 
sabato, 15 dicembre, 2012, 17:20 - Viral marketing

Maurice Lvy, Publicis' CEO, gives his best wishes for the new year every year. The videos are long and a bit boring and people usually skip some parts. This year, he created an interactive clip on YouTube. Every time you'll try to skip some parts or just pause the video, he'll tell you something funny. Just watch the video on YouTube, pause or skip and enjoy!
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