venerdì, 21 marzo, 2014, 14:22 - Generale
For its new campaign designed by The Classic Partnership Advertising, the monthly magazine National Geographic naturally chose to highlight the plurality of its editorial line. There he mixed flora, fauna and historical facts about a giant question mark. Thus emphasizing the signature of the campaign: “Stay curious.”
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giovedì, 20 marzo, 2014, 13:56 - Generale
The hip-hop dancer performs Kapstand experience of balancing on one hand while photographing before all the most beautiful buildings of Paris. The technique involves stopping the moving body for perfect balance. The vertical line of the body is aligned with the vertical line of the building.
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mercoledì, 19 marzo, 2014, 13:56 - Generale
In the Upper West Side of Melbourne Mim Design Studio redesigned an old power station into a new space with bright colors. Choice of mixing retro colors with modern lighting is a very good idea for a successful result.
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martedì, 18 marzo, 2014, 18:59 - Generale
Creative minds from 100 Copies drew the Empire State Building from wheels of bicycles with the ink printing on the paper. Printed in only 100 copies, they have used 7 different kinds of bicycles for this monument drawing. The “Cyclist Empire” is to discover in the next part of the article.
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lunedì, 17 marzo, 2014, 00:26 - Generale
Nel corso degli ultimi anni sono stati molti i casi in cui i telegiornali e i giornali di tutto il mondo si sono interessati a fenomeni "inspiegabili" di matrice religiosa, statue di Madonne che piangono lacrime di sangue su tutti.
In Brasile l’associazione Ligue 180 ha utilizzato la stessa tecnica di ambient per sensibilizzare i passanti in occasione della Giornata internazionale della donna.
L’installazione della statua della Madonna che lacrima sangue è stata completata con un cartello posizionato sul piedistallo: "La donna è sacra. Stop alla violenza sulle donne".
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