Ad campaign reminds public to stand up for the pregnant 
venerd, 22 settembre, 2017, 17:19 - Generale

Shiyang Hes ad campaign, for the Chinese company Yili Milk, reminds public-transportation travelers to offer their seat to pregnant women.

Appropriately titled Stand Up For The Pregnant, the Ad compares the baby-swollen abdomen of a standing pregnant lady to the stomach-contents of the individual sitting in front of her.

The caption attached to these charming images reads, Give up your seat to someone carrying something more important.
Its meant to remind most people that even if we/they feel tired, the lady going through her day with the extra weight of a little human.
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Yakuza Baby 
luned, 28 agosto, 2017, 18:10 - Generale

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Logo Rotary Club "Luigi Vanvitelli" 
luned, 3 luglio, 2017, 14:21 - Marketing Street News
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Greenpeace Barack Obama 
venerd, 9 giugno, 2017, 06:12 - Generale

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E-Democracy App 
sabato, 20 maggio, 2017, 09:28 - Generale

E-Democracy lapp dedicata alle amministrazioni aperte ai cittadini: un facile accesso a comunicazioni, segnalazioni, informazioni di protezione civile, mappe, sondaggi e tutti i servizi comunali interattivi. Un valido strumento che permette di segnalare piccoli e grandi problemi della citt in cui si vive.
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