Street Art IKEA Follows Banksy and Turns to Graffiti Street Art 
domenica, 27 maggio, 2012, 08:42 - Guerrilla marketing

You know the best way to make your ad cool? Thrash you own ad.

Okay, thats overshooting it a bit. What Im trying to say is take something cool and kick ass, like Banksy, and use that to thrash your own ad.

Ikea, a brand that sells mass produced pieces of furniture with earth-tone colors that comes with a step-by-step manual, did exactly that. They commissioned street artist to create stencils using Banksys style and pasted it over their billboards. So, yeah they thrashed their own ad in a creative way.

We need to explain this a bit.

Its seems Ludacris for these two brands to come together. Banksy is the pseudonym of an artist/filmmaker/activist that popularized the predominantly black and white melancholic art style that deals with social and political themes.
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ACAT campaign against torture: back of seats 
mercoled, 23 maggio, 2012, 08:07 - Guerrilla marketing

Victims are people just like you and me. Christian campaign to abolish torture.

Advertising Agency: Advico Y&R, Zurich, Switzerland
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Il Casin Campione dItalia punta sui taxi con AdmCom 
mercoled, 23 maggio, 2012, 07:39 - Guerrilla marketing

Prendere un taxi pu diventare molto divertente, grazie all'operazione realizzata da AdmCom per il Casin Campione dItalia, che gi da un paio di anni si firma 'The next fun'. L'inziativa non convenzionale attualmente in corso nella citt di Como e prevede la personalizzazione di alcune auto del Consorzio Taxi della citt. Una delle ruote stata trasformata in roulette e tutta la fiancata nel classico tavolo verde. Il passeggero, se vuole, pu divertirsi a fare una puntata e pregustare, in modo insolito, unesperienza di gioco da continuare al Casin Campione dItalia.
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La mejor forma de promocionar unas gafas 
luned, 14 maggio, 2012, 09:21 - Guerrilla marketing

Hoy he visto esta magnfica accin de street marketing (o ambient marketing) en el que una marca de gafas ha utilizado los baos de un local para anunciarse de una forma absolutamente original y en mi opinin muy efectiva.

Otra cosa es la identificacin que dicha campaa haga con la marca (o lo conocida que sea), pero desde luego seguro que no dej indiferente a ninguno de los que all se vieron reflejados.
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Panasonic nose hair trimmer 
luned, 14 maggio, 2012, 01:10 - Guerrilla marketing

Billboards built around actual electric wires and poles to amusingly yet convincingly dramatize the need for the Panasonic nose hair trimmers safety cutting system.

Advertising Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Indonesia
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