Sex, ____ & Rockn'Roll 
sabato, 30 marzo, 2013, 08:39 - Generale

Un festival rock senza droghe? Sembra quasi una contraddizione. Conosciamo tutti il famoso mantra degli anni 60: Sesso, droga e rockn'roll.

E fin dalla prima gloriosa edizione nel 1985 con la leggendaria prestazione dei Queen Rock in Rio sempre stato uno dei festival rock pi importanti del mondo, con oltre 6 milioni di partecipanti in 9 edizioni.

Il ministero della Giustizia, occupato sul fronte della politica nazionale antidroga, aveva bisogno di una campagna che combattesse la droga senza andare per ad intaccare limmagine ed il fascino del festival.

Si dato vita ad una campagna che andava ad educare le persone sullutilizzo delle droghe, stimolando allo stesso tempo la creativit. Lelemento chiave era la libert di compiere le proprie scelte: la gente poteva completare il mantra Sex, ____ & Rockn'Roll inserendo ci che pi li rappresentava.

Un sito web permetteva ai partecipanti di condividere la loro creazione, correlandola con delle immagini caricate da Flickr tramite un motore di ricerca interno al sito. In questo modo si creava una vera e propria opera darte, da salvare come sfondo e condividere in tutti i social network.

I risultati?

. oltre 700.000 visite in un mese
. pi di 213.000 creazioni generate dagli utenti
. circa 15 milioni di persone persone coinvolte sui social network
. $5.700.000 di earned media calcolato
. pi di 100.000 messaggi su Facebook che parlavano della campagna
. solo il 4% dei partecipanti ha inserito termini correlati alla droga.
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Coca-Cola Happiness refill 
gioved, 28 marzo, 2013, 09:25 - Generale

This never before seen Coke machine is being installed in the Coca-Cola Concept Store on Copacabana beach, in Rio de Janeiro. The Happiness Refill appears to be a modern-looking Soda Machine, but it isnt. Instead of a cup, the consumer presses his mobile phone against the tap to receive data credits for free internet navigation (IMs, Facebook, Twitter, websites, etc) on a exclusive Coca Cola mobile browser. In Brazil, free wi-fi spots are not common, and most young people have pre-paid phones. This innovation was created by an integration of three of Ogilvys offices (Sao Paulo, Rio and Recife) and various disciplines (design, digital, mobile, advertising and activation). It provides a new way for the brand to reach out to a generation that wants to be connected every breathing minute of the day. After all, for young people, happiness means being connected.
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Polaroid (Finally) Launches iPhone App 
mercoled, 27 marzo, 2013, 09:04 - Generale

Speaking of Polaroid, the ailing-but-once-awesome instant photo company has come out with its own iPhone app. And guess what? Its yet another Instagram clone, only its not free and it even has extra in-app purchases.

The app is called Polamatic, and it lets you snap photos, add filters and grames, and then upload them to Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Tumblr or Instagram (just like Instagram!). The schtick here is that the frames arent just any old Polaroid-ish
frames. No, theyre actual scans of new, used, and vintage Polaroid frames.

Polamatic comes with 12 effects, 12 frames and 12 different fonts which are used for the apps only original feature: writing on a photographs chin. These are all included in the $1 asking price, and there are two more packs of 12 frames for $1 apiece, plus a 12-pack of filters for another $1.

I like the writing-on-pictures part of the app, and selling extra packs of frames and effects is fine (and probably what Instagram should have been doing all along). But it all comes a little too late. After all, why bother with this when you can have the real thing for free?

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Pilao Coffee: Alarm clock app 
luned, 25 marzo, 2013, 08:18 - Generale

Pilao Coffee is a traditional Saralees brand coffee in Brazil. To promote their new 5 flavors they made an alarm clock app. Now you are going to wake up in a different and exciting way. There are 30 alarm clocks divided into 5 different flavours: Classic: you can wake up like your great grandparents used to be. Dark: wake up no matter what. Smooth: for an easy and refresh wake up. Decaf: wake up in a slowly way and Organic: wake up with the sounds of nature.The app is currently available on Apple and Android devices.
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Campanha publicitria a favor do meio ambiente 
sabato, 23 marzo, 2013, 15:20 - Generale

A Hora do Planeta, ato simblico no qual governos, empresas e populao demonstram a sua preocupao com o aquecimento global.
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