Surreal Photos of A Frozen Venice 
mercoledì, 16 aprile, 2014, 10:38 - Generale
Art director Robert Jahns has retouched a series of surrealistic photos of Venice by gathering photos of Italy by Luis Manuel Osorio Fernando with photos of frozen lakes in Russia by Daniel Kordan. Robert Jahns wanted to show how the Venice Canal would look like if it was frozen by the winter.

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You've never seen sneakers like these 
martedì, 15 aprile, 2014, 18:11 - Generale
Playing with colour, surface and intricate pattern making, renowned designer Chris Labrooy create something quite magical.

We creatives love to have our feet looking good, and many of us have an addiction to classic sneakers as well as being inspired by sneaker prints, inventive sneaker packaging and more.

But rather than looking back longingly at the past, here designer Chris Labrooy has taken a radically different approach to sneaker design.

Playing with colour, surface and intricate patterns, Labrooy - who best known for his amazing typography work - has designed a range of shoes made entirely of yarn. Whilst we're unsure of how comfortable they could actually be, the use of gorgeous palettes and cool typography means we want a pair, and we want them now.
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French Ministry of Health 
lunedì, 14 aprile, 2014, 09:32 - Generale
This ad campaign for the French Ministry of Health highlights the growing the growing issue of obesity in children. An original concept, the illustration, art directed and copy written by David Lesage, features an image of an ice cream, topped with a big belly. The copy reads "L'obesite commence des le plus jeune age," meaning "obesity starts at a young age."

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Europe in 8 Bits 
domenica, 13 aprile, 2014, 11:33 - Generale
“Europe In 8 Bits” is a video directed by Spanish director Device which explores the world of the chiptune (or 8 bits-music) in Europe. The concept of this music is to adapt video games sounds of Game Boy, NES, Atari ST and Amiga to create a new sound and an innovative musical movement.

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Peugeot Exalt 
sabato, 12 aprile, 2014, 00:56 - Generale
In the same vein than spot Onyx, here is the new film Peugeot for its prototype called Exalt presented at the Beijing Motor Show. Once again directed by Paul Mignot and produced by Cream, this video of breathtaking beauty and touting the greatness of this concept with an amazing post-production by Digital District.

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