Swiss Cheese Lab 
venerd, 30 novembre, 2012, 15:45 - Generale

Dear Swiss cheese lovers,

This little note just to let you know that the pop up store Swiss Cheese Lab has opened today (and for 5 more days) in the heart of Paris, in the legendary Crmerie de Paris. The place looks perfect to taste and discover fine cheese in a comfy atmosphere. So if you're Swiss and feel a little bit home sick or if you just want to yodel freely, you know what to do and where to go! ;-)
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Finding Santa 
gioved, 29 novembre, 2012, 15:08 - Generale

This year, Best Buy wanted to show that you can do anything with your gifts (here, Apple products), including getting in touch with Santa Claus. The commercial is cute and build on a simple, yet effective, storytelling.
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Getting dressed 
marted, 27 novembre, 2012, 10:50 - Generale

This Axe commercial is all cute and sweet, totally different from the brand communication habits. Tell us what you think!
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Durex Water Bomb 
venerd, 23 novembre, 2012, 13:19 - Generale

Charlotte Rabate imagined and created this speculative ad for Durex. The film is dynamic and fits perfectly to the brand identity and advertising strategy. Check it out and don't be scared to get wet.
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Africa for Norway 
gioved, 22 novembre, 2012, 17:38 - Generale

Norwegian charities decided to get together to break down clichs about Africa giving a new twist to traditional fundraising methods. They created a website, Radi-Aid, where Africans could donate their old radiators to Norway to help people overcome the cold weather. The whole concept is, of course, ironic and aimed at changing the image of Africa.
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