Surreal Self Portraits by Joel Robison 
domenica, 1 febbraio, 2015, 20:06 - Generale

Joel Robison is an American photographer who takes spectacular self-portraits. Positivity and hope filled, the artist develops a surreal world defying the laws of gravity and it is with great sincerity that the man takes us on an extraordinary photographic journey.
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'I'm A Boxer' Video Is A Powerful Response To Sexism In Sports 
sabato, 31 gennaio, 2015, 16:30 - Generale

"Don't call me a female boxer. I'm a boxer."

These are the words spoken by a young athlete, who, like many girls, wants an equal playing field when it comes to sports.

In a powerful commercial made by Everlast, "I'm a Boxer" addresses the sexism faced by women in athletics every day. "I imagine a world where it doesn't matter if you're a boy or girl," says the young girl in a voiceover. "What matters is how well you play."

"There seems to be a trend happening where women's career titles are constantly being genderized," Claire Edmondson, who directed the commericial, wrote in an email to The Huffington Post. "For instance, I'm constantly referred to as a 'female director' instead of a 'director' and I wanted to address that. I also wanted to make something positive for young girls to see."

Edmondson explained the message she wants these girls to take away from the video.

"I'm hoping that they feel encouraged to stick with whatever they are doing, even if it feels a little hopeless at time and for them to know they do matter."

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Olho mgico 
venerd, 30 gennaio, 2015, 14:16 - Generale

Quem disse que o famigerado olho mgico das portas no pode se tornar uma mdia alternativa? claro que pode veja esse exemplo criativissmo e dignos de um: Por que no pensei nisso antes?
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Mos poderosas 
gioved, 29 gennaio, 2015, 18:01 - Generale

Lavar a loua, limpar a casa com os diversos produtos de limpeza ou manusear produtos qumicos, pode causar alergias ou outras complicaes na pele.

E a soluo sem dvida alguma usar luvas de proteo. Para promover a marca de luvas Yeling, a agncia Filadlfia, de Belo Horizonte, criou essa campanha onde mostra algumas tatuagens hiperrealistas evidenciando o poder das mos e que elas no tem nada a temer.
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Depois do Jingle balls agora vez do Jingle Bellies 
mercoled, 28 gennaio, 2015, 15:36 - Generale

Ano passado a rede de lojas americana Kmart causou um pouco de polmica nessa poca de festejos natalinos ao criar uma verso diferenciada de Jingle Bells para promover a linha de cuecas Joe Boxer, surgindo assim o Jingle Balls

J esse ano, eles usaram outra parte do corpo do homem para produzir as notas da melodia natalina: a barriga, criando o Jingle Bellies.

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