Artist Replaces Billboard with Art in Paris 
luned, 10 febbraio, 2014, 06:29 - Generale
Entitled OMG, Who Stole My Ads, this series of photographs signed Etienne Lavie likes to digitally replace advertisements in various parts of Paris by representations by classical paintings world famous.

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Marketing StreeT - Choose The Excellence 
domenica, 9 febbraio, 2014, 15:56 - Marketing Street News

Our services
project management
internationalization process of firms
researching and analysing market trends
identifying target markets and how best to reach them
coming up with marketing strategies
planning campaigns and managing budgets
organising the production of posters, brochures and websites
attending trade shows, conferences and sales meetings
making sure that campaigns run to deadline and on budget
monitoring and reporting on the effectiveness of strategies and campaigns
managing a team of marketing executives and assistants
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Eyeforce Showreel 2014 
sabato, 8 febbraio, 2014, 07:43 - Generale
Eyeforce is a video production company based in Amsterdam, working with athletes. Their Brave video is a tribute to all the athletes they worked with in the past few years: dancers, surfers, alpinists and divers A beautiful video crowned by a music by M83 to discover.

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Winter Olympics 2014 Trailer BBC Sport 
venerd, 7 febbraio, 2014, 11:59 - Generale
To highlight the fact that the upcoming Olympic Winter Games in Sochi, which will be held from February 7th to 23rd will be aired on its channels, BBC Sport asked the director and animator Tomasz Bagiński to make a video. The result, of the most beautiful effect, shows with imagination and talent different disciplines and events to face to overcome and win, in this video to discover in the article.

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Facebook inspira vdeo sobre Cncer 
gioved, 6 febbraio, 2014, 18:45 - Social networks
Iska Digital critica o fato de a data ter sido esquecida por muitos em decorrncia da comemorao aos 10 anos do Facebook

Celebrando os seus 10 anos de existncia, o Facebook lanou a ferramenta Look Back. Esse presente ao usurio permite que o usurio da rede reveja seus momentos mais marcantes desde a inscrio do perfil.

Mas essa mesma data, 4 de fevereiro, tambm marcava o Dia Mundial do Cncer. Assim, a agncia Iska Digital criou uma verso especial do Look Back do Facebook em homenagem ao dia, mas com um tom de crtica. Segundo a agncia, os 10 anos do Facebook so um marco mundial, mas no to importante, visto que muitas pessoas no chegam aos 10 anos de vida e muitas lutas a favor da vida no duram 10 meses.

Confira o vdeo que faz uma analogia s atitudes na rede social:

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