Brasile: La Madonna piange sangue, stop alla violenza sulle donne 
luned, 17 marzo, 2014, 00:26 - Generale
Nel corso degli ultimi anni sono stati molti i casi in cui i telegiornali e i giornali di tutto il mondo si sono interessati a fenomeni "inspiegabili" di matrice religiosa, statue di Madonne che piangono lacrime di sangue su tutti.

In Brasile lassociazione Ligue 180 ha utilizzato la stessa tecnica di ambient per sensibilizzare i passanti in occasione della Giornata internazionale della donna.

Linstallazione della statua della Madonna che lacrima sangue stata completata con un cartello posizionato sul piedistallo: "La donna sacra. Stop alla violenza sulle donne".

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The Crazy Swing At Casa Del Arbol 
domenica, 16 marzo, 2014, 09:35 - Generale
After different kinds of swings on Fubiz, this little house was built before the stunning views of the volcano Tungurahua. But the real attraction is attached to the swing of the branches of the tree. Dubbed The crazy swing, this swing is located at the exit of a cliff more than 8350 feet above sea level with no safety device, this swing promises great thrill for anyone who is brave enough to try it.

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Floating Skate Ramp in Lake Tahoe 
sabato, 15 marzo, 2014, 19:53 - Generale
Bob Burnquist has skated on all the imaginable surfaces. For Visit California and their campaign Dream Big, the rampbuilder Jeff King and his design team composed by 300 people have decided to build a floating ramp, on the water of the Lake Tahoe. An amazing sports performance is to discover in video, below.

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Velo Work Art by Vutheara 
venerd, 14 marzo, 2014, 12:56 - Generale
The french photographer Vutheara showcases works Kooples and Cyklop who adds bikes art for the benefit of road safety. Unique creations, which will be exhibited at Molire and sold at an auction conducted on behalf of the Road Safety Association. An event that helps to educate the public on the use of equipment visibility and road safety.

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Tiny Wooden Figures Street Art 
gioved, 13 marzo, 2014, 12:21 - Generale
The American artist Joe Iurato magnifies his paintings with talent and sense of composition. Using small wooden figures he carves and paints, he joined them in New York-style urban environments to incorporate the element and giving a different interpretation to the scene.

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