Havaianas viram amuleto para seleo em nova campanha 
mercoled, 3 aprile, 2013, 16:28 - Viral marketing

O trio formado pelos atores Henri Castelli, Bruno Gagliasso e Bruno Gissoni estar no novo comercial da Havaianas e ser veiculado em todo o Brasil at o fim de junho deste ano.
O filme Amuleto da Sorte mostra que a sandlia mais famosa do Brasil , tambm, uma paixo nacional, como o futebol. Criado pela AlmapBBDO, ele aproveita um encontro entre amigos para destacar que Havaianas, alm de agradar a todos os estilos e gostos, est no corao dos brasileiros. E por isso que todo mundo usa.

O encontro se d diante da TV, enquanto os trs assistem ao jogo de futebol entre Brasil e Itlia. O comercial abre com Henri, Bruno Gagliasso e Bruno Gissoni reunidos na casa de um deles para assistir partida. Todos esto de Havaianas, e Castelli percebe que Gagliasso est usando Havaianas surradas .

Caoa com ele, mas Bruno rebate argumentando que aquelas so as suas Havaianas da sorte e que o Brasil vence sempre que ele usa o par. Segue o jogo que, para decepo dos trs, acaba em empate. Gissoni, ento, brinca com o xar: , Bruno, esse amuleto no est funcionando no... Mas no bem assim.

A cena corta para a Itlia, onde a situao se repete entre amigos italianos e um deles comenta com o outro, que tambm usa Havaianas velhinhas, que questo amuleto non funziona. Mal sabem eles quanto os amuletos funcionaram! A locuo, em off, fecha o filme: Havaianas. Todo mundo usa.
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How to organize an event in Brazil 
marted, 2 aprile, 2013, 15:02 - Generale

Events, workshops and lectures are efficient alternatives to promote a business, so it is important to know how to organize an event in Brazil and the possible hurdles you may find on your way. In this article, we will give you some tips on how to organize your event in Brazil.

Organizing an event has several steps that must be carefully planned to avoid future complications. The kind of event approached in this article is a lecture for an audience of 100 people. This planning does not apply to major events such as fairs, for example.

A tip that is valid to major fairs and events is to plan them in advance. Major venues in Brazil must be booked with at least one year in advance, especially in So Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. As there are many fairs that use these venues annually, they can very disputed and sometimes the waiting time can be of two and even three years.

The choice of the venue is the most important step as it is going to determine if you will have extra costs and what kind of service you will be allowed to offer. Many universities and educational institutions in Brazil offer their space such as auditoriums for events that may be relevant for its students or members, so before looking for a paid venue, try to contact universities and get the space for free.

Here are some options (some paid and some free of charge) of types of venues that can host your event:

. Universities auditoriums;
. Organizations related to business;
. Unions;
. Hotels.

Before making the reservation, check if the venue allows access to catering companies or if you are required to hire their catering services (what tends to be more expensive). Also check if your reservation includes any equipment such as projector, microphones, speakers and a projection screen.


Renting a venue for 100 people with no catering or additional services costs from BRL 800,00 to BRL 100,00 depending on the location.

A special note on internet connection

Most venues will claim they have internet connection. What they may not tell you is that the internet connection is shared with hundreds of people, what can make your event completely impracticable. Few places will be able to provide more than 500kb per user, so depending on what your event is about, you will need to contract a dedicated internet connection service.

If the venue you have chosen does not provide equipment, you will have to rent it. Different events require different equipment, but the following items are very likely to be necessary:

. Projector and projection screen;
. Wireless microphone;
. Sound equipment.


In most cases, you will also be required to hire an operator to assist you with the equipment. The rental of the previously mentioned items plus the hiring of a sound operator costs from BRL 665,00 to BRL 980,00 per day.


If you are going to serve food in your event, the best option is to hire a catering company. In Brazil, many catering companies work mostly with weddings and family celebrations, so make sure you contract one that is used to work with corporate events.

Depending on the venue, you may have a room where your guests can sit down and eat properly or they may have to stand up during lunch or coffee-break. Before deciding the kind of meal you are going to order, ask the venue if:

Is there a room where guests can sit down and eat?
Is there a kitchen in the building?
The catering company will have to bring appliances (microwave and refrigerator, for example)?
Is there a table that can be used to serve the food or it will have to be arranged by the catering company?
In case theres no kitchen, is there any space where the catering company could set one?

If the venue does not offer a proper area for food consumption, a good option is to offer sandwiches and finger-food. Have in mind that the Brazilian cuisine is very diversified, so it is important to have three options of main course, with red meat, white meat and pasta, in case there are vegetarians in your audience.

As for beverages, offer both juices and soda (both regular and diet), at least two flavor options for each. Most conferences held in Brazil have lunch and coffee break (mostly two: one in the morning and one in the afternoon). If your event takes the whole day, it may be necessary to have a coffee break to prevent your audience from leaving the room all the time. With the coffee break it is easier to concentrate and keep your audience in the room during the lecture. For the coffee break, coffee, tea and crackers are enough. You can also add some fruits or juice.


Catering with lunch and coffee break costs, in average, BRL 60,00 per person. This price includes all the material used to serve the food and the workforce required to serve and prepare it.
Translation Services

If your lecturer does not speak Portuguese (which is the reality in most cases), you will need simultaneous translation. Each translator can only work two hours without a break and six hours a day, in total. So you will probably need, at least, two translators.


The average price per translator is of BRL 1.500,00 plus costs related to transportation and meal. The rent of the required material is charged separately and the daily price for a 100 people audience ranges between BRL 1.900,00 and BRL 2.100,00, depending on the location.
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SEDEX Spread It: Spreading content became faster 
luned, 1 aprile, 2013, 04:55 - Social networks

Brazilian creatives from Artplan created a new share button that integrates peoples favorite social networks. Its called SEDEX Spreadt It. A web application for SEDEX, the leading express delivery service from Brazil.
With just one click people are now able to share content with all their friends at once. A cool way to show off the brand features in the web. Watch the case film or the presentation board for more details.

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Skol lana ovo de pscoa de cerveja e chocolate trufado 
domenica, 31 marzo, 2013, 10:56 - Generale

A Skol juntou duas paixes clssicas dos brasileiros, cerveja e chocolate, pra criar uma inovao: um ovo de pscoa de chocolate trufado com Skol no recheio. O produto, que foi chamado de Redondinho, foi feito em parceria com a chocolateria Folie e ter edio limitada de kits que sero vendidos exclusivamente no Facebook da marca.

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Sex, ____ & Rockn'Roll 
sabato, 30 marzo, 2013, 08:39 - Generale

Un festival rock senza droghe? Sembra quasi una contraddizione. Conosciamo tutti il famoso mantra degli anni 60: Sesso, droga e rockn'roll.

E fin dalla prima gloriosa edizione nel 1985 con la leggendaria prestazione dei Queen Rock in Rio sempre stato uno dei festival rock pi importanti del mondo, con oltre 6 milioni di partecipanti in 9 edizioni.

Il ministero della Giustizia, occupato sul fronte della politica nazionale antidroga, aveva bisogno di una campagna che combattesse la droga senza andare per ad intaccare limmagine ed il fascino del festival.

Si dato vita ad una campagna che andava ad educare le persone sullutilizzo delle droghe, stimolando allo stesso tempo la creativit. Lelemento chiave era la libert di compiere le proprie scelte: la gente poteva completare il mantra Sex, ____ & Rockn'Roll inserendo ci che pi li rappresentava.

Un sito web permetteva ai partecipanti di condividere la loro creazione, correlandola con delle immagini caricate da Flickr tramite un motore di ricerca interno al sito. In questo modo si creava una vera e propria opera darte, da salvare come sfondo e condividere in tutti i social network.

I risultati?

. oltre 700.000 visite in un mese
. pi di 213.000 creazioni generate dagli utenti
. circa 15 milioni di persone persone coinvolte sui social network
. $5.700.000 di earned media calcolato
. pi di 100.000 messaggi su Facebook che parlavano della campagna
. solo il 4% dei partecipanti ha inserito termini correlati alla droga.
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