Don’t Drive Drunk Ads 
sabato, 28 giugno, 2014, 11:39 - Generale
Don’t Drive Drunk Foundation requested agency Leo Burnett Thailand to design a series of prints to raise awareness of the dangers driving after alcohol. With these awesome pictures gathered under the name “Suicide”, he reminds us that getting behind the wheel after drinking alcohol could be similar to playing Russian roulette.

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Casa De La Flora in Thailand 
venerdì, 27 giugno, 2014, 15:40 - Generale
VaSLab Architecture has imagined in 2010 the Casa De La Flora located in Khao Lak in Thailand. Very contemporary and built in front of the sea, this hotel has 36 bungalows shaped like cubes, with beautiful palm trees.

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Vinyls Covers Redesigned With Triangles 
giovedì, 26 giugno, 2014, 18:02 - Generale
Parisian designer Simon Delart wanted to pay tribute to his favorite soundtracks by imagining vinyls’ album covers. The drawing makes all the originality of the visuals because it’s all shaped with triangles. From Star Wars to Jurassic Park, the series is to discover.

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A Boeing Turned Into A VIP Living Space 
mercoledì, 25 giugno, 2014, 12:33 - Generale
Boeing and Airbus have decided to turn Boeing 787 into very comfy private jets for billionaires. Imagined like hotels, with bedroom suites, sofas instead of seats and big bathrooms, the planes cost around 280 million dollars.

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Louis Vuitton FIFA World Cup Case 
martedì, 24 giugno, 2014, 17:46 - Generale
FIFA asked Louis Vuitton to imagine for World Cup 2014 a suitcase to carry the trophy all football players dream about. The trophy, which will be given to the winners on July 13th at the Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro, is incorporated perfectly into this luxurious case, the result of a second collaboration between French luxury brand and the international federation, after first collaboration in 2010.

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