Lead Generation and Internet Marketing in Romania 
gioved, 8 agosto, 2013, 02:17 - Generale
Internet Opportunities in Romania

Romania is a country located between Central and South Eastern Europe with a population of 21.5 million people and 7.8 million internet users. Almost 3 million internet users have broadband access and there 25.4 million mobile phones in Romania. The internet advertising market share is reported as $46 million and a growth of 32% was observed during 2010. More and more Romanian companies are creating an online presence which has enabled online advertising to flourish as firms try to increase their online brand awareness. Lead generation companies or individuals need to be conversant with the different media channels that are used by Romanian internet users to keep in touch with each other and to facilitate modern life. Internet marketing entrepreneurs should understand social media, search engine market share and search behaviour in Romania prior to the start of any lead generation campaigns.

Social Media

Social networking sites in Romania are receiving more and more users with Facebook now dominating the landscape with 3.6 billion page views a month and 5 million unique visitors. Facebook members in Romania currently stand at 3.3 million with the majority of members aged between 18 and 34 years old representing 66% of Facebook members. Facebook audience interests in Romania are led by Mobile Apps & Add-ons, followed by Mobile & Wireless, Email & Messaging, Urban & Hip-Hop, Olympics and Fashion & Style. These insights can help internet marketers to target specific user groups and make use of the mobile internet habits evident by the heightened interest in mobile apps. These apps will most likely involve social media connectivity and can play large part in sharing content such as lead generation material. Heightened interest in the Olympics suggests opportunities for internet marketers to develop or utilize mobile apps that can provide live feeds on game results during the Olympics whilst also spreading brand awareness. Trilulilu follows with a 26.3% share of the internet audience in Romania and receives 42 million page views a month. Trilulilu appears to be a more family oriented site with audience interests ranging from Family Oriented Games & Activities to Body Art, Party Games and Vacation Offers.

Search Engine Market Share

Search engine market share in Romania is overrepresented by Google which has a 97.07% share. Bing, Yahoo, Sapo and Ask are far behind in terms of market share with 2%, 0.4%, 0.36 and 0.12% respectively. Google allows targeted ads based upon location, gender and keywords where as social media advertising such as ads on Facebook use parameters like age, marital status, occupation and various other demographics. Similarly, user interest statistics are available from both Google and Facebook based on the same criteria that advertisers use to target their ads. Understanding how social media and search engines in Romania can be used to form the basis of a successful lead generation campaign, by maximizing the specificity options available on both media channels, is the key to internet success in Romania.

Search Behaviour in Romania

Search behaviour in any market can offer those planning lead generation services and internet marketing in general, a large amount of relevant information. Search behaviour in Romania, at least those using Google, reveals that the top three search keywords in Romania over the 12 months up until June 2011 are facebook, youtube and jocuri. Jocuri refers to eJocuri which is a free online games community where users can create profiles and play against other Romanian users. A high interest in Facebook and YouTube suggest that Facebook users are embedding and watching YouTube videos within Facebook and offers huge potential to lead generation techniques that are able to harness the power of video marketing with YouTube in Facebook. The high success of free online games points to the prevalence of Romanians using the internet as a pastime and when their minds may be far from the worries of everyday life. Smart internet entrepreneurs can use free online games as a sweetener to reach Romanians when they are relaxing and perhaps thinking about related purchases such as gadgets and holidays.
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I forzati del like 
mercoled, 7 agosto, 2013, 09:22 - Generale

La manipolazione dei risultati il grande rischio di questo mestiere, spesso sentiamo il cliente chiederci numeri. I risultati che chiedono, oltre a quelli delle vendite, sono i numeri effimeri fatti di like, follower, fan e visualizzazioni.
Numeri che non significano nulla se non sono finalizzati a creare reali interazioni e interessamento verso un dato servizio o prodotto. Spiegarlo complesso e spesso si barricano a confrontare i loro numeri con quelli della concorrenza, che probabilmente fa gli stessi ragionamenti.
Ieri sera stato trasmesso un reportage sulle fabbriche di clic da Channel 4, una TV inglese che ha realizzato un servizio sui siti web che offrono ogni genere di popolarit a prezzi stracciati. Come anticipato da theguardian.com questo genere di servizio sempre pi richiesto e i paesi in via di sviluppo, dove un lavoratore viene pagato una miseria, vengono creati grossi centri dove migliaia di lavoratori pagati 12 dollari al mese fanno like sulla pagina delle aziende o dei personaggi pubblici che vogliono rimarcare quanto siano popolari e seguiti.

I numeri riportati dal programma Dispatches della rete televisiva inglese vedono unimmensa catena di montaggio di click che secondo le stime impiega circa 20-25mila persone tutte impegnate a cliccare ogni cosa abbia un pulsante. Ometto di inserire i link a questi siti, sono comunque facilmente rintracciabili con Google.
A complicare tutto questo ci si mette anche Gartner International che dichiara che il mercato dei follower e del like farlocchi fiorentissimo.

"C un reale desiderio tra molte aziende per incrementare il propri profili sui social media per trovare nuovi clienti"

ha dichiarato Graham Cluley, un consulente di sicurezza indipendente.

Limportanza dei numeri, secondo una recente ricerca, importante tra i consumatori: il 31% controller valutazioni e recensioni, tra cui il numero di like e follower prima di scegliere di comprare qualcosa. Secondo il vecchio adagio: se piace a tanti significa che il prodotto buono.
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The Carnival of Rio de Janeiro shining on the streets of Mamaia 
marted, 6 agosto, 2013, 17:02 - Generale

At Mamaia you can smell of Babylonians, kings, slaves and warriors. A few days ago was celebrated the carnival modeled on Rio de Janeiro to the presence of the Ambassador of Brazil Raymundo Santos Rocha Magno.

The mayor Radu Peas has dressed the costume of King Nebuchadnezzar II.

Surrounded by his wives on a platform 5 meters high standing on one of the wagons multicolor King Nebuchadnezzar II welcomes guests for the carnival. There were tens of thousands of tourists to Mamaia being the busiest weekend of the season.

The Brazilian ambassador felt at home because was the special guest and because he has found the typical Brazilian atmosphere thousands of kilometers away from home.

Following the footsteps of his father, Radu Peas Junior dressed a costume of a Roman commander.

The parade ended with a concert by Cabron.

All the cities of the world would need a mayor as Radu Peas.
Fica com Deus!

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Po de Acar celebra 65 anos com cerveja 
luned, 5 agosto, 2013, 11:53 - Generale
Varejista comercializar edio limitada e artesanal feita pela Cervejaria Wls e pela BeerManiacs

A rede de supermercados Po de Acar completa 65 anos de fundao em 2013 e ir brindar a data com seus consumidores com uma cerveja especial. Criada pela Cervejaria Wls e pela BeerManiacs, a cerveja 65 anos segue o estilo witbier e possui embalagem de vidro rolhada de 375 ml.

O produto, que artesanal, ser vendido em todas as lojas da rede nos estados de Gois, Paran, Rio de Janeiro e So Paulo, alm do Distrito Federal. O lanamento tambm ser encontrado no comrcio eletrnico Po de Acar Delivery.
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Louis Vuitton cria e-commerce no Brasil 
domenica, 4 agosto, 2013, 22:39 - Generale
Bolsas com o famoso monograma variam de R$ 2 mil a R$ 15 mil

Os brasileiros j podem adquirir as famosas peas Louis Vuitton pela internet. A loja virtual, que comeou a operar no Pas em 1 de agosto, far entregas em todo o territrio nacional.

No e-commerce, as bolsas, os sapatos e os acessrios so vendidos nos modelos masculinos e femininos com preos que seguem o padro da grife. Os valores das bolsas, itens que caracterizam a marca, por exemplo, variam de R$ 2 mil a R$ 15 mil.

Na loja virtual, um vdeo de apresentao (veja abaixo) mostra a trajetria dos artigos com os monogramas de Paris at o Brasil, aps a compra online. O e-commerce tambm est disponvel na Frana, no Reino Unido, nos Estados Unidos, no Japo, na Alemanha, na Itlia e na Espanha.

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